Sunday Post | Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Posted December 23, 2023 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 30 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

It’s a festive weekend and I hope you have a great time with friends and family, no matter what you celebrate (or not).

Last week was a pretty chill week and we didn’t do much, but we did go ice skating for the first time in Canada! Woot!!

I haven’t skated in about 20 years (a long, long time!) and I’m so rusty and clumsy on the ice now, but it was fun anyway. My husband has never skated before and I couldn’t teach him since I’ve forgotten everything, but there was a kind stranger at the rink helping him, and he did so well for his first time!

As for reading; I started reading The Witch Collector by Charissa Weaks, but haven’t finished it because I was listening on audiobook and I couldn’t make out what the narrator was saying when she did the low voices. I decided to put it aside until I can get a print copy so I can read it instead. I did manage to finish If It Bleeds by Stephen King, and I’m reading A Christmas Carol for the first time!

I’m trying to finish A Christmas Carol before Christmas is over, but I’m not sure I can because of how busy the next couple of days will be. It’s not a long book though, so I’ll try. I wouldn’t rush it except it feels weird to be reading A Christmas Carol once Christmas is over, but I might not care and just do it anyway! What do you think? Is it weird to read A Christmas Carol after Christmas?

Last Week on The Blog

This Week

I’m still trying to read a couple of first in a series books, if I can. It’s the last week of the year, a holiday week, and we have a couple of plans, but I believe I’ll have time to read a bit.

It’s weird because almost every year end I’m usually pushing myself to read a little more so I can get more books read for the year, but this time, I’m hoarding my books so I can read them for challenges I signed up for next year.

Are you pushing yourself to finish more books before the end of the year, or are you hoarding them for next year?

I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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30 responses to “Sunday Post | Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

  1. Oh my gosh! I haven’t been ice skating for a little over 20 years. I used to love it but I think I’d biff it a lot. A few years ago, I had a birthday party at a roller rink and my center of balance was so off. I had to hold my husband’s arm the entire time, lol. I’m glad you had fun despite forgetting how to do it.

    Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    My Post

    • A roller rink birthday party sounds amazing! I’d love to go to one! And holding on to your husband’s arm the entire time just sounds romantic. Lol! Merry Christmas!!

    • I thought I could just pick up where I left off with skating, but nope, I almost fell a few times and I’m so timid on the ice now! I hope you have a wonderful holiday too!

  2. Super interested in If It Bleeds but wary because of the cover! I usually have a hard no of animal death in books. Any of that in the collection?

  3. In medieval times, Christmas was celebrated from Christmas Day to Epiphany — that’s where the 12 Days of Christmas come from. So, I think you have at least until January 6 to read A Christmas Carol and still consider it part of the Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

  4. Thank you for stopping by to visit me. Ice skating sounds like so much fun but like you, it has been a long time for me. I would probably grab a hot chocolate and people-watch.
    Have a great holiday!

  5. Oh gosh, I don’t remember the last time I went ice skating! I do remember it was my ankles that were the first to get tired and give out.

    Merry Christmas!

    • Ooh that makes sense, the nice gentleman who helped us mentioned that making sure the ankles were supported was the most important thing. Merry Christmas!

    • I didn’t have any book challenges this year and I found it hard to decide what to read next. I might have gone overboard the other way and signed up for too many next year though. Lol! Merry Christmas!

    • I totally embarrassed myself! But I’ve missed skating so much and the fun is worth the embarrassment, so I’m gonna go back and embarrass myself again. I hope you go skating again if you want to. Merry Christmas!!

  6. Happy holidays! And yay for having a chill week. I haven’t been ice skating in a very long while either and was never any good at it. I am glad you and your husband had fun with the ice skating and hopefully next time goes even smoother. That’s too bad about the narrator of that audiobook being hard to understand when speaking low voices, I am extremely picky about audiobooks as some narrators are difficult to listen to or I just don’t like their voice. I hope you can get a print copy instead.

    • Thank you! I always thought I wasn’t very picky about narrators, but the more audiobooks I read, the more picky I get because they can really make or break a book! Happy holidays to you!

  7. It is weird, don’t do it! Kidding, Kidding. We have a saying where I am – talk as yuh like; I’m going to borrow that to say – read as yuh like. I myself have never read The Christmas Carol but remember an old black and white version of the movie scaring me as a child, something about the dragging chains…and ghosts lol Seems it’s as much a spooky read as it is a Christmas read. Happy Holidays and Happy reading to you.

    • Lol! You’re right, I never thought about how it’s pretty spooky for a Christmas story. I’m gonna take your advice and read as I like and finish the book when I finish it! Thanks! Happy Holidays and Happy Reading to you too!

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