About Me

Hi, I’m Haze!

I used to blog about books on Betty’s Books, but that was years ago (the last post was in 2013) and a lot has changed since, most notably my name. I used to go by Betty, hence Betty’s Books, but I changed my name to Hazellie in 2014 and now go by Haze, hence, The Book Haze. If anyone remembers me from way back when, do say hi! I’d love to reconnect.

It has been a while since I last blogged about books, and I don’t even know if I remember how to, but I’ve missed talking about books and connecting with other book lovers, so here I am! I love that the book community is so vast and there are so many things to do and talk about. I love visiting other book lovers’ blogs, reading book reviews and finding new-to-me gems, participating in book challenges, and finding kindred spirits to gush over books with! I’m excited to be back!

You can also find me on Instagram as @thebookhaze and Goodreads as @hazellie . I look forward to seeing you there!

Review Policy
I’m not currently accepting any books for review. I am quite swamped with my regular work and only reading for fun for now, but this may change in the future. Thank you for considering me.