Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings.
Things I Do When I’m Stuck Indoors
The weather this week isn’t as bad as it was last week, thank goodness! But it was still cold and I did not want to go out at all. We had planned to visit the zoo again if the weather gets better, but it didn’t so we didn’t. Hopefully next week will be better.
Since I was mostly stuck at home, I made the best out of it and spent my free time reading, crocheting, and binge-watching Veronica Mars.

To be more precise, I was re-watching Veronica Mars. I used to love the series back when it first came out and it has been a long time, so I wanted to revisit it again. I feel like some of the drama didn’t age very well, but the nostalgia is stronger than my “wokeness”, so I’m still loving the show.
I’m only in the middle of Season 2 right now, but I never finished Season 4 – I never wanted to at the time. Season 1-3 came out from 2004 to 2007, and Season 4 came out years later in 2019. There was a movie in between, in 2014, and I think I watched that, but I never watched Season 4. I read reviews that made me not want to, so I don’t think that I’ll watch Season 4 this time around either. If you’ve watched it and you liked it, you could try to change my mind. Maybe I should watch it just for posterity’s sake, I don’t know.
I also spent a lot of time crocheting, but I am very unhappy to say the project ended up ugly so I had to frog and now I have nothing to show for it and have to redo the whole thing. Ah well.
As for books, I managed to finish Light Bringer by Pierce Brown, The Switch by Beth O’Leary, and Don’t Call It A Cult by Sarah Berman. I’m going to take advantage of homebound days to read more, because I’m sure that once I get my freedom, I may not have as much time to read. I must admit, cozy reading days are the best things about winter.
Last Week on The Blog
- Book Review | Light Bringer by Pierce Brown
- Top Ten Tuesday | Bookish Goals for 2024
- Book Review | The Switch by Beth O’Leary
- Book Review | Don’t Call It A Cult by Sarah Berman
This Week
I am still working on The Dance of Anger. I haven’t made any progress, but I’m not ready to give up on it yet. I’ll try again this week.
I was supposed to read Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries right after The Switch, but I just got The Rook by Daniel O’Malley on audiobook, and Emily Wilde is a physical copy. It’s just easier to listen to audiobooks and do chores and/or crochet. I’ll make an effort though, because I really want to read Emily Wilde!
How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!
It’s summer here, and too hot for me. Cosy winter days reading are much more my thing. Have a great week.
Summer here can be hot too. We just like to complain about the weather no matter if it’s hot or cold, lol! Have a great week!
I LOVED Veronica Mars back in the day. I rewatched it when the movie was coming out. I heard the same things you much have about the season 4, so I never even tried to watch it when it was released on DVD. I’m just pretending that it all ended with the movie.
Same! Season 4 does not exist in my world!
Wow these are three big books you read this week!
No, not really! The Switch was quick and easy to read, and Don’t Call It A Cult was a pretty quick read too because it was just so fascinating and I had to read more!
Is the snow that bad where you live?
I still need to read Emily Wilde as well, but here other books get prioritized too.
My Sunday Post: https://laurieisreading.com/2024/01/21/the-sunday-post-january-21-2024/
This week wasn’t as bad as the week before, actually, but still cold and I’m kinda a wimp when it comes to cold weather!
I tried to rewatch Veronica Mars a few months ago and it just wasn’t working for me, unfortunately. I loved the show when it came out, but I guess it’s just not my thing these days. I hope you have a good week!
I get it! It hasn’t aged well at all. I hope you have a good week too!
I love Veronica Mars, and I only watched the first two episodes of season four. Then I heard about the BS ending and I stopped watching. My head cannon is the movie is the end of the series.
Same! I’m just going to pretend Season 4 doesn’t exist!
PS. I tried to comment on your site but I can’t comment on blogger unless the name/url option is enabled. I’m sorry! Just wanted to say congrats on your book and I love the cover art for it!
I binge watch Veronica Mars every year or two – I recommend you watch to the end of the original series then definitely watch the movie (I love the movie), but then pretend the rest doesn’t exist (it’s too disappointing)
Wishing you a warm reading week
Lol! Looks like the consensus is to not bother with Season 4 at all. I can definitely get on board with that! Hope you have a warm week ahead too!
Loved the switch and lightbringer. I been doing a lot of crafting as it cold, snow and now it icy. Emily wilde books are different for me and since they are journal enteries i not sure an audiobook is the beat route i think print would make it more enjoyable.
Oh, I wasn’t wanting Emily Wilde to be on audio, I was just saying that I’m reading The Rook faster because it’s on audio vs Emily Wilde on print! Cold weather is great for crafting so that the project can keep you warm!
OMG Veronica Mars was my favorite show for years. Was it the CW it came out on? I didn’t have the channel, so I had to buy the episodes on iTunes using my mom’s computer. 😂😂 I tried to make my husband watch it a few years ago and he was NOT interested.
My Sunday Post
I lived in Malaysia and I’m not sure that our networks ever had Veronica Mars. I think I only ever watched them on DVD. I had the whole set back then, I’m not sure what happened to them after I moved here. I haven’t tried to make my husband watch them because I was too excited to binge watch and I didn’t want to have to wait to watch them with him! Maybe the next round!
I am currently working on crochet placemats. I finished the first one and didn’t love the way it turned out, so I am changing the second one to see if I like it better. We’ll see how it goes. Have a great week!
Good luck on your placemats! I have so many projects I want to do but taking them one at a time.
I always wanted to watch Veronica Mars but haven’t yet. I have a long list and tend to read instead. You are reading some great books! I just bought Rook the series on audio and I loved the Emily Wilde books. I tend to knit more than crochet and frogging is very unhappy. I hope things go better this week!
I used to knit more than crochet, but I haven’t been knitting as much lately. It’s not fun to frog either way!
I’ve never seen Veronica Mars. I’m always on the lookout for a new series. I’ll see if I can find it around here.
It’s not new! Unless you mean new to you. But if you do watch it, maybe don’t bother with Season 4? Seems like no one liked it! I hope you enjoy it when you watch it!
Sorry the weather is still such that you haven’t wanted to go out. I hope it warms soon so you can go to the zoo like you wanted.
I’ve never watched Veronica Mars. I’m sorry it hasn’t aged well. I’m glad you can still enjoy it, though.
Sorry your crochet project is going the way you want it to. Frogging is the worst, but I’m quite familiar with it. I’ll start a project, realize I don’t like it after all, frog it all, and start another project. Sometimes I’ll move forward after that and other times, I do the whole frogging thing over again, lol. The life of crocheter and knitter. Ha!
Oh so true! I probably spend 75% of the time I crochet on frogging than actually making something. I keep telling myself that I’ll get better, but I gotta accept that frogging is just a part of the crafting life.
Aw, man, it sucks when a project won’t work out. I always get soooo frustrated. I really should settle down with an audiobook and get back to some of my projects…
I really want to get round to Emily Wilde! I somehow only heard of the series in the last few weeks, but it seems right up my street.
Audiobooks are a godsend for time spent crafting! I hope I’ll actually get to Emily Wilde before I have to return the book to the library. Once I get started on a crochet project, I’m obsessed until I finish it (or hate it and finally give up), so it looks like I’ll be listening to audio more than picking up a physical book for now.
I loved Veronica Mars, too, once upon a time, but I’ve never rewatched it. It’s funny how many things on TV and even in real life were going on back then that just wouldn’t be well received now (to put it mildly). Have a wonderful week!
So true! I think it’s great that we’re evolving and learning from our mistakes, but it’s painful to realize that I used to be a part of the problem too. Have a wonderful week!
I’ve been reading so much after being stuck in the house most of this spring. I’m looking forward to warmer weather this weekend.
Same! It’s still winter but at least the weather will be reasonable enough to step out of the house this weekend.
It’s been ages since I’ve seen Veronica Mars. My husband and I used to love that show. I liked the earlier seasons, but the final one just wasn’t the same. I hope you enjoy your reading! I’ve heard good things about The Rook. Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries was one of my favorites last year. I hope you enjoy it when you read it! Have a great week!
Yeah, I’m probably just going to ignore the final season of Veronica Mars. I’ve just finished The Rook and am getting started on Emily Wilde. I’m excited! Have a great week!
Sounds like a good way to spend your time indoors, we had some really cold weather here as well as icy roads so I mostly stayed inside too. I also like listening to audiobooks while doing other things, it’s a fun way to combine two activities.
It really is! Audiobooks are a total gamechanger!