Sunday Post | Happiness Is…

Posted January 27, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 28 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

Happiness Is…

We got to go to the zoo this week and see the Penguin Walk! I loved it! They were so adorable and I loved watching them walk! The big furry brown one is Augustus, and he was chirping so happily, omg! It’s lucky they cordoned off the space and had people controlling the crowd and protecting the penguins from me, because it was all I could do not to throw myself at them!


I also went down to the Central Library this week because it’s been a while, and that’s another happy place for me! I wanted to browse books I might not have found on my own (like I don’t have enough books already anyway!), and I ended up with more books than I can carry, so I just took a couple and placed a hold for the rest.

I asked about book clubs because the library used to have a whole bunch of them listed in the programs guide, but apparently, they have no more book clubs now, ever since the pandemic. Which is really disappointing to hear.

Not so happy. =(

I’ve been looking for an in-person book club for a while but haven’t found one that would be right for me. Logistics is an issue for me so there are limited locations I can travel to, and there was a couple that seemed to be “dinner and book club” things, which would be too pricey for me. A book club at the library would’ve been perfect for me, but oh well. I’ll keep looking.

Or maybe I’ll start one! Does anyone live in Calgary, Canada, or knows someone who lives here and wants start a book club with me? Lol! (I’m only half-joking!)

As for reading, I’m also very happy because I managed to read three books that I’d been wanting to read for a while!

I finally finished The Rook by Daniel O’Malley, Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher, and by popular demand, The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. I loved how many of you were telling me to read it and how much you loved it. Well, I read it! And I loved it! Thank you for your enthusiasm for the book! I’ve written a review if you wanna know what I thought!

Last Week on The Blog

This Week

I have started on Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries and I am loving it so far. I just got the second book in the Checquy series on audio today, and I’m excited to dive in as well! I’m happy I didn’t have to wait too long after finishing The Rook!

I am still planning to read The Dance of Anger. I know I said I’ll try to read it for last week, but I was caught up with other books and activities, and wasn’t in the right frame of mind. I’m still not ready to give up on it, but I’m not certain if I should give up on it for now and pick it up again a couple of weeks later. I’ll just play it by ear and see how I feel.

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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28 responses to “Sunday Post | Happiness Is…

  1. I’ve been thinking about trying to join a book club. But then I think how I have so many books to read and reading commitments for reviews I don’t know if I have time/want someone else picking one book a month or me to read.

    • Lol I get it! I don’t have any review commitments so that makes some space for me for a book club. I feel like one book a month is easier for me to commit to than a whole lot of reviews!

  2. You are reading some great things! I have never had a local book club work out for long or they did more socializing than book talk. I really like COYER book club because it is easy and fits into the schedule on Sunday afternoons with a Google Meet. I love the zoo! I’ve been to the Calgary Zoo but it was rainy the day we went which was in 2010. We loved visiting Canada.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    • Oh, I hope you come back to visit again soon! Let me know if you do, I’d love to meet up and hang out a bit! You make a great point about in-person book clubs spending more time socializing than talking about books. I’ve been to a couple that felt like that, especially with the dinner and book clubs. I’ll check out COYER, I didn’t know it was a book club, I thought it was a reading challenge thing?

  3. The Zoo looked like a lot of fun. I can’t join any local book club, I am so busy with reviews for blog tours, and reading my books, that I just don’t have the time. Have a wonderful week, Haze ☕📚🪱🤗🫶

  4. I love penguins! Augustus is so big and cute! They all are. There are a couple of zoos within a hour and a half drive from us that I love to visit and support for their conservation efforts. That’s too bad your library doesn’t have book clubs anymore. Ours doesn’t really either. There is a local independent bookstore though that has a slew of different types of book clubs. I haven’t tried any of them, but I am tempted. Maybe one day I will find the courage and motivation to try one. I hope you do find a book club to join! I have belonged to online ones before, which are nice, but it’s not quite the same. I am glad you are enjoying Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries and hope you continue to do so. I hope you have a great week, Haze! Happy reading!

    • I hope you get to visit one of your zoos eventually and I hope you enjoy it! Yes, I agree about in person book clubs vs online ones. I’ve been a part of online ones and they’re great, but they’re two totally different things! Happy reading to you too!

  5. I love the pictures of the penguins!! So cute. I highly recommend figuring out what kind of book club you want, and then start it!! I started one in my last neighborhood that was basically only for people in the neighborhood and had 4 people come. It was pretty good. Once I got settled here in Ohio, I started a “clean” reads book club and I love it. We meet once a month for 2ish hours and we have a blast.

    • Thank you! I just might start one of my own, I’ll have to really think about it! I love that you’ve started a couple of your own and have such a great time with them!

  6. Augustus is tremendously CUTE. Someone should make a life-sized plushie. 😍

    I’d keep talking to your library about starting up at least one book club again. My library used to have three or four, but also dropped all of them during the pandemic; however, last fall they started one again.

    Have a wonderful new week! ☀

    • Omg yes, I want an Augustus plushie!

      When I talked to the person at the library that day, they didn’t seem open to having “official” library book clubs. They were happy to have external book clubs meet at the library, but I don’t think they want to manage book clubs anymore.

      A wonderful week to you too!

  7. OMG! I would be just like you with those penguins. I love watching them walk. Their so cute! I’m glad you got to see them and took pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. Oh my gosh the penguins are just out and about! how cute!!!! Our library has a book club each month but I’ve never made a meeting, too many other books distract me and I don’t get around to reading the monthly book.

    • It helps for me if the books are those I’m already interested in. I think the type of books the book club reads is important because if they constantly choose books I wouldn’t normally read, then I wouldn’t be inclined to join them either. I don’t mind the occasional book outside my comfort zone, but I’d like to have more books I enjoy than not!

  9. Those penguins are adorable! They’re always my favorite animals to see at the zoo! My cousin says the Milwaukee Zoo here in Wisconsin is going to use them instead of groundhogs for Groundhog Day and I think that’s the cutest idea. I’m sorry to hear that your library doesn’t have any book clubs. If I lived nearby I’d definitely join you for one. I tried an online book club but I didn’t like any of their picks.

    • Penguins for Groundhog Day sounds adorable! And yes, please join a book club with me! Are you moving here? Or am I moving there? Lol!

  10. I love penguins, they’re so cute! That sounds so fun seeing them walk. Too bad your library no longer does book clubs, those always sound like they would be fun. Although I am so much of a mood reader and then with the review copies I don’t know if I could do a book club, I find it hard enough to do a buddy read already.

    • I love book clubs and buddy reads, but yes, they do take up a lot of time, especially since I get so caught up in them! I’m still finding my balance and learning to dnf sooner!

  11. I love the idea of a book club but I know I would suck at one because I end up DNF-ing so many books. I hope you find one or start one that works for you!!!!!

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