Top Ten Tuesday | Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Posted May 20, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 19 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From

I’m not sure that I have ten authors for this list. There are definitely a few I’d love more books from, but in general, there are so many authors I love whose works I haven’t finished reading yet, so I feel like it’s unfair to want more books when I haven’t finished the ones they’ve already written!

Authors I’d Love a New Book From

  1. Madeline Miller – She’s at the top of the list because I desperately need more myth retellings, and from her because she writes them so well!
  2. Yangsze Choo – This might be unfair because she just published a new book this year, The Fox Wife, but I’ve already finished it, and I need more!
  3. George R.R. Martin – I know some people have given up on him, but I haven’t. I’m still holding out hope that we’ll see A Song of Ice and Fire finished. Also, I think he might still be publishing other books, but I really need new books for the ASOIAF series specifically.
  4. Stephen P. Kiernan – He’s an underrated author, and I’ve loved all his books I’ve read! He’s got one new book published last year that I haven’t read yet, but I would still love more books from him so that I can have a whole bunch of them to look forward to.
  5. Taylor Jenkins Reid – I haven’t read all her books yet, but she’s just an author I love who needs to also provide me with a whole bunch of new books to look forward to!
  6. Christopher Pike – One of my favorite authors from my childhood years, but he also writes adult novels and I loved them. He hasn’t published anything new in years, and I really wish he would!
  7. Suzanne Collins – The Hunger Games is one of my favorite books and I think she needs to write more. So much more!

Have you read any of these authors? What did you think of their books? Would you read more from them?

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19 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday | Authors I’d Love a New Book From

  1. I quite enjoyed One True Loves by Taylor, but am not sure anything else really sounds interesting that she’s written. I was reading about Forever Interrupted last night and it just sounds too sad for me but who knows maybe I’d be surprised! 🙂

    • I haven’t read Forever Interrupted, and One True Loves was good but it wasn’t one of my favorites, she’s got lots of titles that have been a lot more popular, but yeah, they do tend toward being sadder. Maybe that’s why I love Malibu Rising and Carrie Soto is Back most! I hope you find one that works for you!

  2. Miller was on my list today too! I need more books from her because I’ve loved every single one I’ve read by her. 🥹 Yangsze Choo is an author I’ve been meaning to try for a while now and hopefully, I’ll get around to reading at least one of her books this year. Great list!

  3. Oooh, a new book by Suzanne Collins would be interesting! I have the first two books in her middle grade series to read and I’m curious how it’ll compared to The Hunger Games.

    She could easily write tons and tons of stories/novels set in THG world and I would read them all and watch every adaptation XD

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