Tag: the hunger games

Top Ten Tuesday | Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Posted May 20, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 19 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From

I’m not sure that I have ten authors for this list. There are definitely a few I’d love more books from, but in general, there are so many authors I love whose works I haven’t finished reading yet, so I feel like it’s unfair to want more books when I haven’t finished the ones they’ve already written!

Authors I’d Love a New Book From

  1. Madeline Miller – She’s at the top of the list because I desperately need more myth retellings, and from her because she writes them so well!
  2. Yangsze Choo – This might be unfair because she just published a new book this year, The Fox Wife, but I’ve already finished it, and I need more!
  3. George R.R. Martin – I know some people have given up on him, but I haven’t. I’m still holding out hope that we’ll see A Song of Ice and Fire finished. Also, I think he might still be publishing other books, but I really need new books for the ASOIAF series specifically.
  4. Stephen P. Kiernan – He’s an underrated author, and I’ve loved all his books I’ve read! He’s got one new book published last year that I haven’t read yet, but I would still love more books from him so that I can have a whole bunch of them to look forward to.
  5. Taylor Jenkins Reid – I haven’t read all her books yet, but she’s just an author I love who needs to also provide me with a whole bunch of new books to look forward to!
  6. Christopher Pike – One of my favorite authors from my childhood years, but he also writes adult novels and I loved them. He hasn’t published anything new in years, and I really wish he would!
  7. Suzanne Collins – The Hunger Games is one of my favorite books and I think she needs to write more. So much more!

Have you read any of these authors? What did you think of their books? Would you read more from them?

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