Tag: favorite authors

Top Ten Tuesday | Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

Posted January 6, 2025 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 11 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

So many books to be excited about this year and these are just for the first half of the year! As if I didn’t already have tons of backlist books on the TBR, I’ve got new ones to contend with! I can’t wait!

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

  1. Onyx Storm by Rebecca YarrosExpected publication date: Jan 21, 2025. The third book in the Empyrean series. The second was a little disappointing but I have to see this through!
  2. Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne CollinsExpected publication date: Mar 18, 2025. I wasn’t interested in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes when it was released but have since read it and now I’m all in for any other book in the THG universe.
  3. Swept Away by Beth O’LearyExpected publication date: Apr 10, 2025. I love her other books and I’m sure I’ll love this one too!
  4. Never Flinch by Stephen KingExpected publication date: May 27, 2025. I know some people are tired of reading about Holly but I love her, so I’m totally here for it!
  5. The River is Waiting by Wally LambExpected publication date: May 6, 2025. I’m anticipating this alright, but I’m also scared to read it because I cried so hard with two other books from the author I loved.
  6. The Love Haters by Katherine CenterExpected publication date: May 20, 2025. I’m completely sold on Katherine Center and I’m excited for this next one!
  7. Overgrowth by Mira GrantExpected publication date: May 6, 2025. I read a couple of her books a long time ago and they made an impression on me. Curious to read this one and see how I feel about it.
  8. Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather FawcettExpected publication date: Feb 11, 2025. More Emily Wilde! More Wendell! More faerie hijinks! I can’t wait!
  9. Atmosphere by Taylor Jenkins ReidExpected publication date: Jun 3, 2025. I love everything TJR, and this one sounds so good!
  10. A Language of Dragons by S.F. WilliamsonExpected publication date: Jan 7, 2025. Dragons, languages, dark academia! I mean, how can I resist?!

Are you anticipating any of these books? Have you read any books by these authors? What books are you looking forward to?

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The Stephen King Constant Reader Challenge

Posted December 23, 2024 by Haze in Reading Challenges / 1 Comment

I’m not normally a reader who feels the need to read an author’s full catalog, but I’ve read and enjoyed so many of Stephen King’s books and I feel like if I was going to do it, his catalog would be the way to go. I’ve actually already read many of his books, but for the sake of this challenge, I will be re-reading them again. They are considered done when I’ve written reviews for every single one of them here on my blog.

I’m not putting any time limit on this challenge. It’s just a personal challenge for myself that I want to have fun with, but also keeping in mind that the list is probably going to grow the longer I take, because Stephen King is going to keep churning out those books!

Feel free to join me if you’re a fan of SK and want to do the challenge too! Post a comment with a link to your challenge page/reviews and I’ll check them out!

  1. Carrie (1974)
  2. ‘Salem’s Lot (1975)
  3. The Shining (1977)
  4. Rage (1977)*
  5. Night Shift (1978)
  6. The Stand (1978)
  7. The Long Walk (1979) [by Richard Bachman]*
  8. The Dead Zone (1979)
  9. Firestarter (1980)
  10. Roadwork (1981) [by Richard Bachman]*
  11. Danse Macabre (1981)
  12. Cujo (1981)
  13. The Running Man (1982) [by Richard Bachman]*
  14. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger (1982)
  15. Different Seasons (1982)
  16. Christine (1983)
  17. Cycle of the Werewolf (1983)
  18. Pet Sematary (1983)
  19. The Eyes of the Dragon (1984)
  20. The Talisman (1984) with Peter Straub
  21. Thinner (1984) [by Richard Bachman]
  22. Skeleton Crew (1985)
  23. IT (1986)
  24. The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three (1987)
  25. Misery (1987)
  26. The Tommyknockers (1987)
  27. The Dark Half (1989)
  28. The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition (1990)
  29. Four Past Midnight (1990)
  30. The Dark Towe: The Waste Lands (1991)
  31. Needful Things (1991)
  32. Gerald’s Game (1992)
  33. Dolores Claiborne (1992)
  34. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)
  35. Insomnia (1994)
  36. Rose Madder (1995)
  37. The Green Mile (1996)
  38. Desperation (1996)
  39. The Regulators (1996) [by Richard Bachman]
  40. The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass (1997)
  41. Bag of Bones (1998)
  42. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (1999)
  43. Hearts in Atlantis (1999)
  44. Storm of the Century (1999)**
  45. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (2000)
  46. Dreamcatcher (2001)
  47. Black House (2001) with Peter Straub
  48. Everything’s Eventual (2002)
  49. From a Buick 8 (2002)
  50. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: Resumption (2003)
  51. The Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla (2003)
  52. The Dark Tower: Song of Susannah (2004)
  53. The Dark Tower: The Dark Tower (2004)
  54. Faithful (2004) with Stewart O’Nan
  55. The Colorado Kid (2005)
  56. Cell (2006)
  57. Lisey’s Story (2006)
  58. Blaze (2007) [by Richard Bachman]
  59. Duma Key (2008)
  60. Just After Sunset (2008)
  61. Under the Dome (2009)
  62. Blockade Billy (2010)
  63. Full Dark, No Stars (2010)
  64. 11/22/63 (2011)
  65. The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole (2012)
  66. Joyland (2013)
  67. The Dark Man (2013)
  68. Doctor Sleep (2013)
  69. Mr. Mercedes (2014)
  70. Revival (2014)
  71. Finders Keepers (2015)
  72. The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (2015)
  73. End of Watch (2016)
  74. Charlie the Choo-Choo (2016) [by Beryl Evans]
  75. Hearts in Suspension (2016)
  76. Gwendy’s Button Box (2017) with Richard Chizmar
  77. Sleeping Beauties (2017) with Owen King
  78. The Outsider (2018)
  79. Elevation (2018)
  80. The Institute (2019)
  81. If It Bleeds (2020)
  82. Later (2021)
  83. Billy Summers (2021)
  84. Gwendy’s Final Task (2022) with Richard Chizmar
  85. Fairy Tale (2022)
  86. Holly (2023)
  87. You Like It Darker (2024)

*collected in The Bachman Books

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Top Ten Tuesday | Books on My Fall 2024 TBR

Posted September 23, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 44 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Books on My Fall 2024 To-Read List

Some of these books have been on my list since the beginning of the year. Heck, some of them have been on my list since last year… and way before. It distresses me that I haven’t read them, the older ones in particular. I’m going to really try to get them done this fall!

Top Ten Books on My Fall 2024 TBR

  1. The Glass Chateau by Stephen P. Kiernan – This is the one I most want to prioritize. I’ve had it on my TBR the moment it was announced, before it was even published, and I was so excited when it was released. I love the author and I have no doubt I’ll love this book, but I just haven’t gotten around to it for some reason.
  2. The Storm We Made by Vanessa Chan – Malaysian author, Malaysian setting, Malaysian reader (me!). I must read it!
  3. Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson – I have been wanting to read this for a while now. You know it caught my attention with a title like that.
  4. Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman – Everyone keeps recommending this as one of the best series you can listen to on audiobook, but I’m hesitating because I listened to a sample and I’m not sure I like the narration, so I’m waffling between getting it on print vs. audiobook. So many people can’t be wrong about the audio, right? But what if they are?!
  5. Never Whistle At Night by various authors – This is relatively new to my TBR but I really want to read it because I wanted to read more diverse books this year, and I love folklore and not whistling at night is also a superstition in my own culture.
  6. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot – A much older book that I’ve been wanting to read for a long time. Part of why I also signed up for a nonfiction reading challenge this year.
  7. Between Us by Mhairi McFarlane – I love the author’s works, but I don’t consider them light-hearted romance because they often have heavier themes and not so traditional HEAs, so I do need to be in a certain mindset to read them.
  8. The Keeper of Hidden Books by Madeline Martin – Another author I love, but much, much heavier stories. I read two of them very close to each other earlier this year, and I needed a break before I jump back into another one.
  9. The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer – I don’t even remember how I heard about this book but I was so excited about it, and it’s also a bookish book!
  10. The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins – Another bookish book I’ve been wanting to read. The things people say about it make me very curious!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? Would you read any of these books?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands on but Still Haven’t Read

Posted May 27, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 37 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands on but Still Haven’t Read

There have been so many books I was super excited about but ended up not reading. These are some of the ones I’m still excited about and still want to read as soon as possible, but haven’t yet for some reason or other.

Top Ten Books I Was Super Excited to Get My Hands on but Still Haven’t Read

  1. The Glass Chateau by Stephen P. Kiernan – I love Stephen P. Kiernan’s books and I’m really excited to read this one too, but his books are the kind that require savoring and that means I have to find the right time and mental head space to read them.
  2. Between Us by Mhairi McFarlane – Mhairi’s books are categorized under romance, but they’re not quick, fun and silly romances. They tend to highlight serious real life issues as well and I love that about them, so I want to be fully present when I read this.
  3. The Keeper of Hidden Books by Madeline Martin – I loved the two previous books I’ve read by MM, and I know I’ll love this too. They’re just pretty heavy because of the subject matter, but they’re also hopeful and heartwarming, and I’m looking forward to reading this soon.
  4. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder – I think the thing holding me back with this one is that there are at least six books in the series and I’m just scared of starting a new series when there are so many I haven’t finished yet.
  5. Shark Heart by Emily Habeck – Nothing holding me back with this one, I just haven’t gotten to it yet.
  6. The Storm We Made by Vanessa Chan – Another one in the queue I intend to get to really soon!
  7. Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson – And this one too! I meant to read this and the above book this month, but I had other time obligations!
  8. Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman – I’ve got a planned buddy read for this series in June, and I’m anxiously awaiting it! It’s a reread for me, but it’s been a while and I’m excited to revisit the nostalgia!
  9. Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie – I very recently finished the first two books in this series and I would’ve immediately started the next one, except my book buddies want me to wait for them. They’re supposed to have the book in a couple of weeks, but if they take longer than that, all bets are off!
  10. The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent – I was so excited about this and I still am, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Soon!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? Would you read any of these books?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Posted May 20, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 19 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From

I’m not sure that I have ten authors for this list. There are definitely a few I’d love more books from, but in general, there are so many authors I love whose works I haven’t finished reading yet, so I feel like it’s unfair to want more books when I haven’t finished the ones they’ve already written!

Authors I’d Love a New Book From

  1. Madeline Miller – She’s at the top of the list because I desperately need more myth retellings, and from her because she writes them so well!
  2. Yangsze Choo – This might be unfair because she just published a new book this year, The Fox Wife, but I’ve already finished it, and I need more!
  3. George R.R. Martin – I know some people have given up on him, but I haven’t. I’m still holding out hope that we’ll see A Song of Ice and Fire finished. Also, I think he might still be publishing other books, but I really need new books for the ASOIAF series specifically.
  4. Stephen P. Kiernan – He’s an underrated author, and I’ve loved all his books I’ve read! He’s got one new book published last year that I haven’t read yet, but I would still love more books from him so that I can have a whole bunch of them to look forward to.
  5. Taylor Jenkins Reid – I haven’t read all her books yet, but she’s just an author I love who needs to also provide me with a whole bunch of new books to look forward to!
  6. Christopher Pike – One of my favorite authors from my childhood years, but he also writes adult novels and I loved them. He hasn’t published anything new in years, and I really wish he would!
  7. Suzanne Collins – The Hunger Games is one of my favorite books and I think she needs to write more. So much more!

Have you read any of these authors? What did you think of their books? Would you read more from them?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Most Anticipated Books for 2024 Jan – Jun

Posted January 8, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 58 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

There are so many that I’m so excited for!!! Almost all of these are authors I have read and loved, and I would read anything they write so that’s why I can’t wait for these. I know they are going to be good!

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books Releasing Jan-Jun 2024

Top-Bottom, Left-Right:

  1. The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo – releasing Feb 13. She’s a Malaysian author writing about Malaysian Chinese folklore. I’ve read The Ghost Bride and The Night Tiger, both written by her and I loved them. I’m very excited for this one.
  2. The Bride Bet by Tessa Dare – releasing Jan 15. This is the fourth book in the Girl Meets Duke series, and I’ve read the first three, so obviously this is next on the list!
  3. What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher – releasing Feb 13. I love T. Kingfisher, and I loved the first book in this series. I didn’t even know there was going to be a second book, but of course I have to read it too!
  4. Funny Story by Emily Henry – releasing Apr 23. I’ve read several of Emily Henry’s books and always enjoy them. This one has a storyline that is just too good to pass up.
  5. The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe – releasing May 14. The first book I read by Tess Sharpe is the first book in this series, The Girls I’ve Been, and I was hooked. I love her strong female protagonists, and I was so excited to find out she wrote a sequel.
  6. The Dark Fable by Katherine Harbour – releasing Jan 30. The only author on this list whom I’ve never read. I’m not sure what to expect and I hope I won’t be disappointed, but I love the premise and I love fantasy stories, so I’m excited to read this!
  7. You Like It Darker by Stephen King – releasing Mar 21. I mean, it’s Stephen King. I haven’t read all his books but I’m sure going to try, and his new stories keep getting better so of course I’m going to read this.
  8. The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden – releasing Feb 13. I loved The Winternight Trilogy and I am very interested in this story. I want to read it!
  9. The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo – releasing Apr 9. I loved many of Leigh Bardugo’s books, and I am very interested in this story too. Anticipating it very much!
  10. The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz – releasing Jan 23. I’ve only read one of Koontz books so far and I loved it, and I keep meaning to read more. I love the premise of this book, it sounds so deliciously creepy and I just can’t wait to read it.

Have you read any of these authors? What did you think of them? What are your most anticipated books this year?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Favorite Books of 2023

Posted January 2, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 44 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Favorite Books of 2023.

Happy New Year 2024, everyone!

2023 wasn’t the best reading year for me because I felt like there were way too many books I read that I didn’t like, did not finish, or otherwise felt lukewarm about. But there were a few books that were amazing and some that have found a place as my all-time favorite books in my heart.

I hope 2024 will be an incredible reading year for all of us with lots of great books!

Top Ten Favorite Books of 2023

Top-Bottom, Left-Right:

  1. Labyrinth’s Heart by M.A. Carrick – The third and final book in one of the most incredible trilogies I have ever read. The world-building and magical system in this book is so rich and detailed, the authors ended up creating a real-life divination deck that reflects the one in the book. They had a very successful Kickstarter launch, but I missed it and I’m sad.
  2. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros – One of the most hyped books I’ve read this year. At first I was skeptical, because it can’t be that good, right? But it is! The plot kept moving, there was so much action and drama and emotions, I just couldn’t stop reading! Admittedly there were a few cliches and eye-rolling moments, but everything else was so good it’s worth overlooking the problems.
  3. Jade War by Fonda Lee – I read both the second and final book in this trilogy this year and they were both so good. I mean, the whole series is amazing! The scope of the books, the story, is so vast. The character development is incomparable. This might be one of the best books in terms of character development. It’s just so good.
  4. Morning Star by Pierce Brown – I read books 2 through 5 of the Red Rising series this year, and I’m currently waiting on the 6th book. The whole series is great, but I think the 3rd book is my favorite so far. I’m hesitant because the 5th book left me on an uncertain note, and I’m holding back my heart until I read the 6th book and know that my beloved characters are doing okay.
  5. Barbed Wire Heart by Tess Sharpe – This is the second book I’ve read by Tess Sharpe and I have to say that I am loving her writing and her books! They have such bad-ass young female MCs, and the stories are so compelling and completely just sucks you in.
  6. This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub – This one hits me in the feels. It’s a time-travel story, which I love, but ultimately, it’s the everyday mundaneness of the story that gets me. It’s the things you take for granted.
  7. The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey – The first book in another amazing series. It’s so interesting from beginning to end, and I love how technology is presented as artifacts in the story, and I love seeing how the characters learn to work with the technology.
  8. Sooley by John Grisham – This is not your typical John Grisham story. It is not a legal thriller, it’s a story about an athlete. I’m not typically a fan of sport stories, but this one… It’s not really about the sport, anyway, it’s about the people.
  9. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes – This one hurts. Those of you who have read it know what I mean. I have so much awe and respect for the author’s portrayal of Charlie and the way he changes throughout the book, and yet he’s still the same character talking to us. So masterful.
  10. The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin – This was such a powerful story about the importance of books and community, how could I not love it?

Did you read any of these books? What did you think of them? What were your favorite books in 2023?

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