Tag: catchphrases

Top Ten Tuesday | Favorite Book Quotes from The First Law Trilogy

Posted May 13, 2024 by Haze in Top Ten Tuesday, Weekly Book Memes / 2 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly bookish meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl that features a different bookish topic every week.

Today’s topic is Favorite Book Quotes

What a perfect time to have this topic! I’ve been making my way through The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie and there’s just a whole treasure trove of quotes and catchphrases I love! I’m not sure that I can limit it to only ten, to be honest, but I’ll try!

I’ve only just finished the first two books, but a lot of the catchphrases from the first book make it into the second one, and I hear they continue on to the third, so I’m just including all three books for the sake of the topic.

Top Ten Book Quotes from The First Law Trilogy

  1. “You have to be realistic about these things.”
  2. “Once you’ve got a task to do, it’s better to do it than live with the fear of it.”
  3. “If you say one thing for Logen Ninefingers, and one thing only, say he’s a killer.”
  4. “Broken hearts heal with time, but broken teeth never do.”
  5. “Every man has his excuses, and the more vile the man becomes, the more touching the story has to be.”
  6. “You have to have fear to have courage.”
  7. “Treat a man like a dog and sooner or later he’ll bite you,”
  8. “You carry on. That’s what he’d always done. That’s the task that comes with surviving, whether you deserve to live or not. You remember the dead as best you can. You say some words for them. Then you carry on, and you hope for better.”
  9. “No one cares about the past any more. They don’t see that you can’t have a future without a past.”
  10. “It was a fact, he was only now beginning to realise, that the conversation of the drunk is only interesting to the drunk. A few glasses of wine can be the difference between finding a man a hilarious companion or an insufferable moron.”
  11. “If a man seeks to change the world, he should first understand it.”
  12. “Everything frightens me, and it’s well that it does. Fear is a good friend to the hunted, it’s kept me alive this long. The dead are fearless, and I don’t care to join them.”

Have you read The First Law Trilogy? What did you think of it? Or would you read it?

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