Sunday Post | It’s Time

Posted June 16, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 10 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

To Say Goodbye

Late Monday night, we got news that my father-in-law passed away. It wasn’t unexpected, but we thought he’d have more time. I didn’t know my FIL as well as I would’ve wanted to but my husband was understandably distraught, and all I could do was try to be there for him. It was a somber week, but mixed in with wonderful memories and stories about my FIL. On Thursday we went to the temple to pray and say goodbye. It was nice.

In other news, the water main break is still being fixed and we’re still being asked to ration water use. Apparently it’s worse than they thought and the latest news is that it’s going to take an additional 3-5 weeks to fix! I have no idea how that’s going to work out since Calgary is having the Stampede soon and we’ll have visitors/performers/acts coming in and using more water than usual. Hopefully, it will get fixed sooner than estimated.

Nothing much else happened last week. I’ve been emotionally exhausted but in relatively good spirits, and husband is doing relatively well too. I’ve still got lots of book reviews to catch up on, comments to reply to, and I’ve missed visiting your blogs and finding out what everyone has been up to. Fingers crossed this week will be absolutely boring and uneventful and I’ll get caught up on the blog stuff.

Laundry and all water-related chores is another story.

All the happy things:

  1. We found a bistro near our place that has delicious food and the most friendly and helpful staff!
  2. I got some really great deals from the Audible sale! I got all the Murderbot books – the dramatized versions, and the Bobbiverse books, a couple of T. Kingfisher books, and some Dragonlance books too! It’s on the Audible US store, and it ends Sunday night, but if you’re a member and somehow missed it, you’ve probably still got some time to get some deals quick!
  3. I finished all the Heartstopper books the week before, so I started watching the TV series last week. I haven’t gotten far but I have loved every single episode so much! Nick and Charlie are just so adorable, I can’t stand it!

The Books

Books I read last week:

  1. Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman – The first half of the book was great, but I finished the second half of the book Tuesday evening and had been mostly preoccupied since the news about FIL on Monday, so I feel like I wasn’t fully present. I still really enjoyed it and really want to continue the rest of the series!

Books I’m (still) reading:

  1. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens – I’m on hour 28 of this 36-hour audiobook! Almost there! It’s really good but the preoccupation with irl stuff isn’t helping and there are certain details that confuse me, even when I go back and repeat some of those parts. This is a book I fully intend to reread in the future though, along with Demon Copperhead, so I’m content even if I only understand 50% of it.

Last Week on The Blog

I did squat on the blog this week. 😭

This Week

I’m just going to do my best.

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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10 responses to “Sunday Post | It’s Time

  1. So sorry about your father-in-law. That has to be so hard on your husband.

    I hope that watermain break is fixed soon!!

    Here is hoping you have a slower and uneventful week.

  2. Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, glad you all are doing okay. Some weeks it is hard to do anything on the blog, don’t feel guilty, just do what you can. Have a good week.

  3. Oh I am sorry about your FIL. You are having a troubling week with the water issues. I hope things improve quickly. At least you are reading some great books. I bought some odds and ends at the Audible sale too. But I already own all the Murderbots!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. So sorry to hear of your father-in-law’s death:(. Glad you are both coping with it okay. How lovely you were able to celebrate his life in such an uplifting way. Those water issues sound grim – and I hope they fix it sooner rather than later. And I’m very jealous that you managed to get all the Murderbot books so reasonably – they’re not cheap, otherwise! And Kingfisher’s writing is always worth it! Have a kinder week, Haze.

  5. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss, Haze. I hope you are all finding comfort in each other.

    Thank you for mentioning the Audible sale! I wouldn’t have known about it otherwise. I bought a bunch of fantasy and mystery books.

  6. Sorry about the extra delay and the water restrictions, so hard I can imagine. And very sorry to hear about your FIL passing away, very sad. I’m sure it was especially hard on your husband. All you can do is be supportive to him. You need to take a breather. Luckily the weather is turning warm now and it’ll feel nice this weekend to be outside. Take your book to a park and crash, 🙂

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