Sunday Post | It’s August

Posted August 3, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 27 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

So Much to Catch Up On

I can’t believe the last Sunday Post I posted was June 16th! That means I missed one and a half months of Sunday Posts! I have been updating my Monthly Wrap Ups at least, but I haven’t been present at all and I’ve missed visiting with everyone.

Things are much better now and I’m getting back to a new normal – with new developing habits (running, getting enough sleep, and other healthier habits) so I’m still stumbling, but I’m loving the change and the results so far.

This past week we’ve been binge-watching Those About To Die and we finished the finale just yesterday. I love stories about the Roman Empire and got really engrossed in this story too – the actors were amazing – but so far there’s no news on if there will be a Season 2. I really hope there will because I want more! Now I’m going to have to read some books about the Roman Empire. One of my very favorite underrated books on this is The Light Bearer by Donna Gillespie. I’d love some other recommendations if you have them.

I sort of feel like I have one and a half month’s worth of updates I want to share, but I’ve also summarized some of them already, so I guess if there’s any specific thing I’d like to talk more about, I’ll do that in another post so it doesn’t get overwhelming on this post.

All the happy things:

  1. We watched Deadpool and Wolverine on Monday and it was so much fun!
  2. I bought a couple of new huge pencil cases to keep my vast amount of stationery and some stickers. Now they’re portable and I can journal anywhere I want!
  3. We found a new sichuan restaurant near our place and it’s so good and delicious, it’s taking every ounce of our willpower not to go every day!
  4. I exercised every single day this week! 💪
  5. Went for a regular doctor’s checkup and everything came back a-ok!
  6. Had a two-hour jamming session with the husband that got really hyped up and fun, and lost my voice! 😅

The Books

Books I read last week:

  1. The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown – This book has been on my TBR for a while but I never got around to it until recently when the stars somehow aligned for it. I’ve had the physical book from the library for a while and kept renewing it because I hadn’t gotten around to it, but last week I came across The Last Podcast on the Left‘s episodes on The Donner Party, binge-listened to them, and the audiobook just became available immediately after. It’s fascinating and horrifying at the same time, but so worth reading/listening to.
  2. Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer – Another book that’s been on my TBR for ages. It counts towards a few of my reading challenges, which is great, but it’s also just really a wonderful reading experience. It feels light and beautiful and otherworldly, and it makes me feel so connected to the earth, but at the same time I recognize that I have been disconnected. And it’s easy to forget the lessons in this book and go back to old, potentially harmful habits. I’d like to try to be more thoughtful and intentional from here on out.
  3. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett – This one was interesting because it’s been years since I read it, and I remember liking it but it was never one of my favorite childhood books. Reading it now, as an adult, I think I understand it better now and love it more now than I ever did.

Books I’m reading:

  1. The Women by Kristin Hannah – I got this one with an Audible credit because I’d been wanting to read it and I love Julia Whelan as a narrator. I’m about a third of the way it and really enjoying it so far.

Last Week on The Blog

Just getting back in the groove. I did my Monthly Wrap Up for July and that’s about it.

This Week

I have several book reviews to catch up on! I’d like to get as many done as possible.

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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27 responses to “Sunday Post | It’s August

  1. Did you ever read Rosemary Sutcliff’s books? The Eagle of the Ninth was one I really loved as a kid, and still love now. (I’ve read two copies to bits over the years, ahaha.) It takes some details we know about Roman Britain and a weird archaeological discovery of a Legion’s eagle buried in Silchester, and tries to imagine how it might have happened.

    • Oooh, that sounds fascinating! I love that you read it so much over the years. I’ll definitely have to read it soon, thank you!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts on Those About to Die. I’m planning to watch it once the Olympics are over. Yay for getting exercise! Well done you! I’m adding Braiding Sweetgrass to my TBR. Have a wonderful week!

    • Thank you! I’m pretty happy with my progress but I know I have a long way to go. I hope you enjoy Those About to Die when you watch it, and Braiding Sweetgrass when you read it!

  3. I have wondered if I would still enjoy childhood favorites (like the Secret Garden and Anne of Green Gables) if I read them again. I should do that at some point, I just feel like I have so many books I have never read that I “need” to read! Welcome back!

    • Thank you! I feel the same way about wanting to read books I haven’t read instead of rereading books. It’s hard to choose!

  4. Indifferent Stars Above was SO GOOD!!!! And yah. Horrifying.

    I still have my copy of The Secret Garden from childhood but haven’t tried reading it as an adult!

    That’s great that you started up some healthy habits and exercise and good for you sticking with it!

  5. Yeah I think we’ll watch the Roman series after the Olympics. It looks good! I read the Donner Party book a few years back and it’s unreal. Scary too. I still need to read the Sweetgrass book. Will I ever get to it? I’m glad you’re feeling better. Keep up the exercise and running. We finished the Presumed Innocent series yesterday … and it’ll keep your interest. I reread The Secret Garden not long ago…. and it still captures a secret wonder of childhood that’s amazing. Cheers.

    • Take your time with Braiding Sweetgrass. It’s lovely and I think meant to be savored. I hope you’ll love it! Thanks for the encouragement, I’m worried about if I’ll keep it up with the running as the weather gets colder but so far I’m enjoying it very much!

  6. The Secret Garden is an old favorite of mine. I love Kristin Hannah. I have not read The Woman. I just started The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. I am only about 80 pages in, and it is wonderful so far. I hope you have a great week.

  7. Oh my gosh! Putting stationery and stickers in a pencil case makes so much sense for journaling on the go. I will have to do that. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before 😂

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