Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings.
Fever All Through The Night
Sunday we went to the annual Lilac Festival and before I go any further, I should clarify that it’s not a festival for lilacs! The only lilacs featured were decorative lilacs, but otherwise, it was just a street market full of random things. I knew this so I wasn’t disappointed or anything, I just thought I should clarify because everyone I talked to seemed to think it was for lilacs!
Anyway, it’s an annual street market festival, this year featuring 500+ vendors and 70+ performances, and held from 10am to 6pm. My husband and I were there from 10am until 3pm, and we were exhausted at the end of it! There were so many things to see and explore. The handcrafted items were beautiful, the crafters and performers were amazingly talented, the food all looked and smelled delicious! It became extremely crowded and got increasingly difficult to navigate our way through the crowd, but we had fun!

Also, the weather was nice in the morning, and it got kind of hot actually, but then it rained in the afternoon for a while and then got hot and sunny again later. And I got a fever the next day. 🤒
Yeah, I think I overdid it. I felt nauseous, had no appetite, my skin was feeling really sensitive, I was brain-tired, and my whole body was sore. I had ambitious plans for the week and had to reschedule because I just couldn’t do much of anything Monday through Wednesday. Except read! Yay! (That’s also why I missed Top Ten Tuesday last week too, btw.😭)
Silver lining of being sick, I stayed in bed and read/listened to Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie. I alternated between physical book and audiobook whenever my eyes/ears got tired, and I managed to finish it from Monday to Wednesday!
I felt much better Thursday morning, but unfortunately, I also woke up to a city-wide alert about a water main break and that we had to ration water. They are still trying to fix it even now and we’re encouraged to use as little water as we can. So that means the laundry isn’t done, and is still continuing to pile up even more!
Honestly, I’m feeling really anxious about the state of the house right now after a whole week of not cleaning up because I was sick and then water rationing. I’m distracting myself with other good things as best as I can!
All the happy things:
- I made some strides on my work issue – not much because of being sick, but I’ve implemented some of my ideas and it’s early days but it seems to be working. 🤞
- I finally finished The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie! I meant to finish it last month but at least I got it read early this month.
- It’s strawberry season! I’ve been enjoying lots of strawberries!
- I crocheted a couple of summer hats! (Because of the heat at the Lilac Festival and having no hat – I’ve learned my lesson!)
- I finally bought a yarn winder – what a game changer! I just got it yesterday and I’ve been using it non-stop since, for fun!
- Had a fun jamming session with the husband, plus he taught me a couple of things on the guitar.
- We also watched The Martian again because we enjoyed it so much and it’s been a while.
- I binged on Heartstopper and omg, I love Charlie and Nick so much! They are the most adorable, cutest couple and they bring me so much joy! I cannot wait to watch the TV series!

The Books

Books I read last week:
- Hello Stranger by Katherine Center – I loved this one so much! It was just so fun and while I’m usually not a fan of the miscommunication trope, I loved the way this one played out. I made the mistake of starting this close to bedtime. I thought I could stop halfway at a lull point or something, but it was so good that I couldn’t stop and just read through the night! I finally slept at 4.30am.
- Heartstopper: Vol. 2 by Alice Oseman – I’m sorry but Nick and Charlie are just so cute and I can’t stand it!
- Heartstopper: Vol. 3 by Alice Oseman – I can’t stop thinking how cute they are! It’s just makes my heart swell!
- Heartstopper: Vol. 4 by Alice Oseman – I think this might be my favorite one because of events that happened here that I won’t spoil but they were just so freaking cute!
- Heartstopper: Vol. 5 by Alice Oseman – If I had known there was a sixth book, I might not have started the series until it was out. Now I have to wait for the last one!
- Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie – I’m not sure how I feel about this final book of the series. On the one hand, I love the arcs for several of the characters and the development of the story, on the other hand, I really hated the arcs for some of the other characters. It’s still a great series, but I’m trying to decide if I want to read the other books in the series that are only tangibly related to the characters in this one. We’ll see.
Books I’m reading:
- David Copperfield by Charles Dickens – I’m still making my way through the audiobook, I’m 10 hours into a 36-hour audio, so there’s still a long way to go!
- Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman – Finally rereading this, but just starting out! I’m anxious and excited!
Last Week on The Blog
- Monthly Wrap Up | May 2024
That’s it, that’s all I did this week. 😭
This Week
My plan this week is to finish the Dragonlance Chronicles books; Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, and Dragons of Spring Dawning. I also need to get caught up on book reviews, blog visiting, and replying comments. Thank you for being patient with me, my friends!
How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!
Sounds like a busy week, some good reads and a lilac festival so fun. Have a great week
I hope you are feeling much better. The festival looks fun but they are always tiring. I also enjoyed Hello Stranger.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
I was one of the people who thought it was a festival about lilac flowers:)). But it looked like it was huge fun. And yes… I think you probably had a touch of sunstroke – that’s what it sounds like. Glad you were able to relax and read, though. Love the new hats. And I hope you’re having a good week.
That market looks amazing! I’m glad that you are now feeling better – how horrible for you after having a lovely time. At least you got some reading done.
We are always having water issues here in the village, but we personally have been incredibly lucky and our road hasn’t ever been effected. I do worry about it with the 2 kids though. We are on the edge of the village so I assume that we are connected to different pipes.
I hope that you have a great week this week ☺️
I hope you feel better soon and things clear up with the water and all the household duties that need done!
It’s great to see some positivity in a busy, anxious week, though <3
The Lilac Festival sounds fun! I enjoy going to events like that, but don’t get to go often. I am sorry to hear you were sick, but glad you are feeling better. Did they get the water main fixed? Yay on finishing the The First Law Trilogy! I am interested in Hello Stranger and am glad to see you enjoyed it. I hope you have a great week!
I hope you are feeling better. And sorry about the water main break in town, ugh! So hard to continue to live without using much water. We are on a well in Foothills. I hope they fix the water problem asap. Keep your reading going … seems like you’re on a roll.