Sunday Post | Everyday I’m Hustlin’

Posted June 1, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 10 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

Everyday I’m Hustlin’

This was a week of catching up but I still feel like I’m not caught up yet. There’s still several loads of laundry to wash and fold. I’ve also been absorbed with trying to figure out a work issue and I’m having trouble thinking up solutions and it’s been an additional mental load.

I haven’t done much on the blog at all and I’ve got lots of reviews to catch up on, plus updating my books read on Goodreads and The Storygraph. Not to mention, it’s the beginning of a new month and I’m going to have to work on my May Wrap-Up post (but not before updating books read so I can actually know what to post in my wrap up)!

On the plus side, I’ve been reading a lot to distract myself from work during my down times, so I got more books read!

All the happy things:

  1. I signed up for a free 30-day Audible trial, and I binged 5 books in 5 days!
  2. Had a nice hangout and dinner with an old friend we haven’t seen in months.
  3. Our in-person bookclub for our May BOTM, Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mendel, happened this morning (Saturday) and it was a really great discussion and fun time. We also had a new member join us, yay!
  4. Went for a nice lunch with a bookclub friend and had a great chat.
  5. We are going to the annual Lilac Festival tomorrow! I’m excited to see all the things!

The Books

Books I read last week:

  1. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells – I’m getting to know Murderbot a little bit better and I love how it pretends not to like people but it just happens to make friends everywhere and help others despite itself. I love it!
  2. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells – I love the reunion and I’m really excited for what happens in the next books. I got these from the Plus Catalogue on my free Audible trial, and the rest of the books aren’t free, so I’ll have to go back to waiting for the next books.
  3. Maybe This Time by Cara Bastone – This is an Audible Original and I loved the production! The story itself was really cute and I loved the banter, but honestly the highlight was just how well it was produced. Maybe it’s because it’s my first experience with an Audible Original that I was blown away, but I just really enjoyed it!
  4. Mad Love by Wendy Walker – Another Audible Original. It’s a great production too but I didn’t love the story as much. It wasn’t bad, just not the best mystery thriller, but I did really enjoy it too!
  5. Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft – I’ve been hearing about this book for a while now, and I got really curious. It was available on Libby so I decided to read it and it’s quite an eye-opener. I feel like everyone should read this book whether they think they’re in an abusive relationship or not; a lot of abusers get away with it because their victims don’t have enough allies who recognize what’s going on and/or know how to help. I think we all need to educate ourselves a little more and this is a good place to start.
  6. Heartstopper: Volume One by Alice Oseman – I have no idea why it took me so long to pick up this book! It’s so sweet and cute, and now I’m gonna have to read the whole series!

Books I’m reading:

  1. Hello Stranger by Katherine Center – Still working on this! I’m reading on ebook and I haven’t had much time to pick it up compared to the audiobooks I’ve been bingeing, but I’m sure it’ll be a quick read when I have time to sit down and focus.
  2. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens – I’ve got this on audiobook. It’s a longer book but I didn’t want to wait too long after recently finishing Demon Copperhead. I’m already seeing the similarities between the books and I’m loving it!

Last Week on The Blog

This Week

I’m planning to catch up on my book reviews and updating everything I need to update. I’m also really excited about a new month and the books planned for this month – bookclub books of the month, and a couple of buddy reads! I’ll have my Wrap-Up post up this week too!

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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10 responses to “Sunday Post | Everyday I’m Hustlin’

  1. David Copperfield is one of my favorite Dickens books and I loved Demon Copperhead, too. 📘📘

    Meeting up with friends you haven’t seen in a while is always a lovely thing. 😊

    When I was young my family used to go to a Lilac Festival somewhere near Rochester New York every year. It was always beautiful. 🤗

    Have a wonderful new week! ☀

  2. Jan

    I hope your able to work your way through your laundry mound seems like a never ending cycle lol. Lilac festival sounds amazing hope to see some pictures if you feel like sharing. Have a great week.

  3. Urg! I hate it when the laundry all stacks up… It’s always a heavier load when there is anther problem pressing on your shoulders, too. The Lilac Festival sounds fabulous – they have such a sweet, heady scent! And talking about impressions of a book sounds like huge fun, too. I love the Murderbot series:)). I hope you find a solution to the work issue and that this is a kinder week.

  4. It seems like everyone is loving Martha Wells these days. I better get on the bandwagon. Isn’t it great it’s June now … one of Calgary’s best months. I hope you get to enjoy outside — sounds like you are busy! The weather is getting good. Enjoy your Audible … I’m liking audios as I do chores around the house. Have a great week … and it’s ambitious that your listening to David Copperfield wow … that would take me forever. LOL.

  5. I hope you are able to get that work issue resolved. Work has been weighing heavy on me too. I took most of last week off and am off today. I made the mistake of peeking at my work e-mails this morning. So, I hope to spend some extra quality time with my books today to keep my mind from thinking too much of work before tomorrow.

    I saw the first season of Heartstopper on streaming and have been wanting to watch the rest and read the graphic novels. I am glad you are enjoying the series! I hope to start Demon Copperhead soon. I enjoyed David Copperfield, which I finished this past month. I hope you have a great week, Haze!

  6. Yay for binging 5 audiobooks in 5 days! Audiobooks are definitely a great way to get my mind off of work too. I hope you’ll find a solution for that work problem soon and you’ll have a great week!

  7. I’ve been so hectic I’m late visiting this week. It’s great you can get so many great things through Audible Plus. Do you not have access to a library with the Murderbot books though? I’ve collected good library cards, but also I own that particular series. I’m finally catching up this week myself.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. I’m so glad you have such a fun book club! It’s always great when a book club goes well 🙂

    And I need to read (and watch) Heartstopper at some point… XD

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