Sunday Post | A Whole Lot of Book Reviews

Posted August 17, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 17 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

And Not Enough Books From The TBR

Last week I posted about how I was so stoked about doing so well with reading from my TBR the week before. I finished 4 out of 5 books I meant to read, and I thought that this past week I would surely be done with the last one, but guess what? I’m not!

I got sucked down a rabbit hole of nostalgia reading my favorite childhood books. First it was Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster, and then Anne of Green Gables, and now I’m on to Anne of Avonlea, and there are more books in the series and I’m not sure if I can stop!

Funny story, I didn’t even really intend to read Anne of Green Gables! I saw that there was a version of the book on Audible narrated by Rachel McAdams and I love Rachel McAdams so I got curious and clicked to listen to a sample. And then just kept on listening. And when I finished Anne of Green Gables and saw that Rachel McAdams doesn’t narrate any of the next books, I found another narrator and kept going anyway because I love Anne so much!

My poor single final TBR book I was supposed to read for my challenge (If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio) has been sadly neglected for the whole week. But I swear I’ll read it this weekend! I’ll put Anne aside for now.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about; I posted 9 book reviews this past week, and I am simultaneously proud that I managed it, and worried that it’s unsustainable for me in the long run. I have a bit of a compulsion to write reviews of the books I’ve read before I can consider myself finished with them, and sometimes I feel guilty about moving on to the next books if I haven’t finished reviews of the last ones. To the extent that I’m negotiating with myself to read fewer books so that I’m not constantly behind with my reviews.

But I don’t think that makes sense. I want to read more, not less. And I don’t want my reason for reading less to be because I’m not writing reviews fast enough! So I’m trying to change my mindset about writing reviews at all. I definitely still want to talk about the books I’ve read, I’m just maybe going to see about doing so in a way that doesn’t take up so much time.

All the happy things:

  1. I’m getting so much better on my runs! The difference is barely noticeable in any measurable way, but I feel the difference and I think that’s the important thing.
  2. I heard from a friend I’d been missing, which is one happy thing, and she introduced me to a book community that does a lot of buddy reads, another happy thing!
  3. And so I signed up for a few buddy reads for books I’ve been meaning to read. More happiness!
  4. I made crispy pork belly again! It’s been months and I’ve been craving it!
  5. I’ve been singing a lot more recently.
  6. I’ve also been tinkering on the piano more recently. Getting in some practice and learning some new things.
  7. Honestly, the nostalgia from reading my favorite childhood books have been making me so happy.

The Books

Books I read last week:

  1. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky – I thought it was great! I loved the way the evolution of sentient life was shown over time.
  2. Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster – Ahh, nostalgia. One of my favorite childhood books I will never not love.
  3. Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery – Another childhood favorite. And it was narrated by Rachel McAdams which made it even better!

Books I’m reading:

  1. Anne of Avonlea by L. M. Montgomery – What can I say? I wanted more of Anne!
  2. If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio – I’ve made progress since last week, but still have more than 50% to go! I’m going to try to finish it this weekend!

Last Week on The Blog

I did a Top Ten Tuesday post and 9 book reviews!

This Week

Biggest priority is to finish If We Were Villains. And then I’ll also be reading Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, because it’s my in-person bookclub BOTM and I totally forgot about it!

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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17 responses to “Sunday Post | A Whole Lot of Book Reviews

    • Thank you! I just finished If We Were Villains and wasn’t very satisfied, unfortunately. I hope you’ll enjoy it more if you read it though!

      And yes! I totally support an Anne reread!

  1. So, I totally get what you are saying about the book reviews. A blogger friend, Lark, does Haiku reviews (usually 2 at one time), so they are short reviews (I won’t say quick because I did it one time and it takes a lot of brain power, LOL). But, something to consider, maybe quick, short reviews, especially for books you didn’t love as much? Hopefully, this makes sense, but find ways to make it easier on yourself.

    • Thank you, Cindy! I don’t think I’m going to do Haiku reviews because you’re right, I think they’ll take way too much brain power than I have! 😂 But I’m definitely try to find a way to make it much easier on myself.

  2. It sounds like you’ve had a great reading week even though you neglected If We Were Villains. I completely understand going down the rabbit hole of nostalgia. I can’t help it and usually reread quite a bit during the year. Yay to all your happy things! 😀 I hope you have a great week!

    • There’s just something so comforting about rereading books you already know are good and that make you happy! I hope you have a great week too!

  3. I love that you’ve rediscovered old favorite childhood books😁 Nine reviews is a lot, I can barely get two written a week, but as long as you enjoy it, I would keep going. I’m hoping to read If We Were Villains at some point, I’ll look for your review!

  4. You did a crazy amount of reviewing 😂 once I finish a book I do the review straight away purely because my memory is not as it was pre babies 😂 my reading has been incredibly slow recently because it is the Summer holidays. As long as reading is still fun that’s all that matters ❤️

    I love your list of happy things and I hope that they continue 😊 The pork looks good!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. Wow you seriously did nine book reviews lately? That’s like crazy, you are on a roll. I definitely want to reread Daddy Long Legs … gosh it’s been since childhood since I read it … but I really liked it back then. My mother gave it to me. I think I tried the Rio novel once but didn’t get thru it. See what you think.

  6. I love Anne! I don’t blame you at all for wanting to continue reading the series. That sounds like something I would do. 🤣 Now it makes me want to reread the books… maybe I’ll listen to the audiobooks, too.

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