Monthly Wrap Up | July 2024

Posted July 31, 2024 by Haze in Monthly Wrap Up / 10 Comments

Welcome to the Monthly Wrap Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction to share our monthly wrap-up posts that summarizes our month in books, our favorite books of the month, what we did on our blogs, and anything noteworthy we want to share.

July 2024 Wrap Up

July was another hectic month, but for positive reasons this time. June was hard and it made me realize I needed to change certain things and build better habits. Obviously, things don’t change overnight, but I think I made a good effort this July to get things started.

I started waking up at 6.30am in the mornings and go for a walk/run (alternating because I’m not quite in good shape yet). Some days are harder than others, but the important thing is that I showed up. I’m also looking into continuing education classes I can take and I’ve been doing some research and legwork on that. I’ve organized and reorganized my workspace and workflow, purged some things in my life that no longer served, and am trying to prioritizing the important stuff.

To be honest, I’m still floundering and some days I’m full of self-doubt and throw out everything I thought I was clear on the day before. We also had a heat-wave this month and some days were so bad I couldn’t bring myself to do anything except lie down on the cool floor and not move.

Still, it was a good month overall, even though I haven’t been very present here on the blog and in the blogosphere. I’ve missed visiting with all of you, and I’m trying to figure out how to manage my time better so I can still do the things I love.

My July 2024 TBR Intentions

  1. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte
  2. Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  3. Feeling Good by David Burns
  4. The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner
  5. Frequency by Penney Pierce
  6. The Enchanted Life by Sharon Blackie

I only read two of my TBR intentions this month, but the good news is that my broader intentions were to read more nonfiction and books I own, and I did that! Out of the 12 books I read this month, five were nonfiction, and eight are books I own! So I did pretty good!

Books Read in July 2024

  1. The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
  2. The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte
  3. Network Effect by Martha Wells
  4. Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
  5. Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky
  6. Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey
  7. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
  8. Clockwork Boys by T. Kingfisher
  9. The Wonder Engine by T. Kingfisher
  10. Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
  11. The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown
  12. Braiding Sweetness by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Notable Books This Month

I got lucky again this month because almost every single book was great! The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs was a bookclub read, and our bookclub went for a road trip to the Royal Tyrrell dinosaur museum after that, so it added to the experience. It was so much fun and I love spending time with these people!

The picture isn’t very good, unfortunately, but we couldn’t take too many because it was pretty crowded and there were other people wanting to take pictures too.

I also really loved Women in Science more than I expected. It features so many amazing women and their contributions in history, and all the important information is presented so interestingly and succinctly. I loved reading every single one of them.

Project Hail Mary was a reread – I read it a while ago on print, but I keep hearing about how it’s so good on audio, and I really wanted to experience that. I’d been listening to audiobooks through Libby and my library all this time, but PHM was only available through Audible so I finally signed up for it just for this book. That’s how they get you! But hey, so far it’s been worth it. I loved listening to PHM on audio, and I’m enjoying so many other audiobooks on the Audible Plus catalog as well.

As I said, I loved almost every book I read this month, but I’ll leave the rest of the gushing to reviews I’m planning to write for them!

Reading Challenges

I achieved a few of these challenges a couple of months ago, but instead of marking them done I upped the challenges instead. I’m now rethinking that decision, because I haven’t done well in some of the other challenges and I think I should focus on the unfinished ones instead of adding to the challenges I already finished.

August 2024 TBR Intentions

This month I’d like to try knocking out the 52 Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge. I only have five more prompts to go, and I’ve got a couple of books I’m excited to read that would fit the remaining challenges, so I think it would be very doable.

The prompts are:

  • 13. An academic thriller
  • 17. Nominated for the Booker Prize
  • 37. Palindrome on the cover
  • 42. Author debut in the second half of 2024
  • 48. The word “secret” in the title

I’m planning to read, respectively for each prompt, but subject to change:

  • If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
  • Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
  • The Women by Kristin Hannah
  • Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer
  • The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna

I do have some other books in mind for some of these prompts so I might end up changing my mind, but the goal is to finish the challenge so as long as I read books that fit the prompts, I’m good!

How was your month in July? What were your most memorable bookish moments? I hope you have a wonderful August with lots of great books!

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10 responses to “Monthly Wrap Up | July 2024

  1. The heat sounds really debilitating. I hope all goes well for you in August with your reading plans. Project Hail Mary was good on audio so great you got to it. Audible Plus has some good listens too. Good work on showing up for that morning exercise. All the best for other decisions.

    • Thank you! I appreciate that. The morning exercise is sometimes difficult but necessary for my physical and mental health so I’m doing my best to keep it going!

  2. 8 books from your owned TBR! That’s awesome. I need to focus on my owned books more, too. One of the ones I own and want to focus on is Braiding Sweetgrass, which I saw you read this month. How’d you like it?

    • Thanks! I loved it! I have the physical book but I ended up listening on audio with the author narrating, and her voice was so soothing and comforting, and it felt like I was in another world. It made me feel really connected, but also there were parts that made me sad and angry because of how we’ve taken the earth for granted and treated it badly. It’s so worth the read!

  3. Sorry you’ve been full of self-doubt. I’m glad you’re making positive changes to help you feel better about things. I do miss seeing you on the blogosphere but I’m happy to hear you’re okay. 😀

    Congrats on reading 12 books books this month. I read 8, which is a new record for me. (I’m a slow reader, but audiobooks have been helping, lol.) I hope August is a good month for you!

    • Thank you! I’m so happy for you with your new record too! I’m reading so much more now too because of audiobooks. Yay for audiobooks!

  4. I’m so glad July was better for you. 🙂 I miss being in university because that’s when I got A LOT of walking done without having to be intentional about it. I’m generally super unmotivated about exercise, which I know I need to be better about. Really jealous of your progress, but I hope it keeps up for you! <3 And so glad your July reads were amazing.

    A few of your August hopefuls are on my TBR, so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts! I tried to read The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches a few months back, but couldn't get into the first chapter. I probably wasn't in the right mood then.

    • I love the idea of going back to university, no matter my age. I just enjoy learning stuff and having routines and schedules. Having built-in exercise is also a perk because I’m the same as you and probably wouldn’t exercise at all if I didn’t have to! I’m trying to be better with posting my book reviews but I’ll definitely share my thoughts when I finish the books!

  5. You did GREAT with your challenges and reading 8 of the books you own!!! I only read one that I owned, and I really want to focus on that more, but it has been a struggle. I did start a second one I owned and DNF’d it. I am hoping August will be great for the books on my shelves.

    • Thanks! I’m not sure I can do as well as I did with owned books in the coming months, but I think even if we only do a few at a time, it’s better than nothing! Good luck to both of us!

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