Book Review | Far From You by Tess Sharpe

Posted June 27, 2024 by Haze in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Far From You by Tess Sharpe

Nine months. Two weeks. Six days.

That’s how long recovering addict Sophie’s been drug-free. Four months ago her best friend, Mina, died in what everyone believes was a drug deal gone wrong – a deal they think Sophie set up. Only Sophie knows the truth. She and Mina shared a secret, but there was no drug deal. Mina was deliberately murdered.

Forced into rehab for an addiction she’d already beaten, Sophie’s finally out and on the trail of the killer—but can she track them down before they come for her?

For the Reading Challenge(s):
2024 Diversity Reading Challenge
2024 Audiobook Challenge

The Reason

Because I love Tess Sharpe’s other books!

The Quotes

“But my heart isn’t simple or straightforward. It’s a complicated mess of wants and needs, boys and girls: soft, rough, and everything in between, an ever-shifting precipice from which to fall.”

“I’ll choose you. No matter how hard it is. No matter what people say. Every time, I’ll choose you. It’s up to you to choose me back.”

“Bad ideas are sometimes necessary.” It sounds so much like an excuse, it’s such an addict thing to say, that it makes my skin crawl.”

“When you’re kept by a secret, the first time you hear it spoken out loud is mesmerizing.”

The Narrator(s)

The author herself. It was so good, I always love it when an author narrates their own book because you can hear their emphases and expressions.

My Thoughts

Tess Sharpe is one of my favorite YA Thriller authors and I don’t think that anyone even comes close to her when writing these plots and these badass female MCs. I didn’t like this one as much as the others I’ve read by her – The Girls I’ve Been and Barbed Wire Heart – but that’s relative and only because the other two were so good.

My Feels

I love that the MC was so flawed and had her faults; we see her struggling really badly but still tapping into her inner reserves of strength and resolve. I love that she’s so worth rooting for, and I’m really awed by Tess Sharpe’s ability to write such interesting characters.

My Rating

⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars.

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