Book Review | Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery

Posted August 22, 2024 by Haze in Book Reviews / 2 Comments

Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery

When twelve-year-old Anne Shirley came to Avonlea, she quickly won everyone’s heart. Now, she’s five years older, almost a woman, and about to embark on a new adventure: becoming the teacher in her old Avonlea school. It’s an exciting year as Anne struggles to win over all her students, welcomes two new members to her family, and feels the first stirrings of love.

For the Reading Challenge(s):
2024 Audiobook Challenge
The Classics Club

The Reason

I started Anne of Green Gables and loved it and just had to continue with the series!

The Quotes

“Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”

“One can’t get over the habit of being a little girl all at once.”

“The future is yet an untrodden path full of wonderful possibilities.”

“Of course, I knew there are no fairies; but that needn’t prevent my thinking there is.”

The Narrator(s)

Beth Kesler. It was a bit of an adjustment coming from Rachel McAdams in the first book to a different narrator, but I ended up really loving Beth Kesler’s voices for the characters and the narration.

My Thoughts

What I love about this book is the children; Paul, Davy, and Dora are all wonderful to read about, and I love witnessing Anne’s interactions with them. I think the best thing about having children in your life is that they help you see the world with childlike wonder, and that’s the best thing about this book too. I also really love Miss Lavender because even though she was an older woman, she was still so childlike and sweet.

Now that I’m older, I feel like there’s no reason to stop being childish and carefree just because you’re all grown up. I know there are people who disagree, but I’ve been serious and somber as an adult, and I’ve been childish and playful as an adult, and I can tell you I’m much happier when I can be childish and playful. Mind you, when I say childish and playful, I don’t mean immature and irresponsible. People need to know the difference!

I also love that Gilbert and Anne are friends in this book, although we don’t see as much of Gilbert as I want. But there’s still the next book to look forward to!

My Rating

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars.

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2 responses to “Book Review | Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery

  1. I definitely agree that childish and playful doesn’t equate immature and irresponsible. I love that rereading this series has shown you that you can have fun as an adult!

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