Sunday Post | Is This How It Feels

Posted August 10, 2024 by Haze in Sunday Post, Weekly Book Memes / 22 Comments

Welcome to the Sunday Post, a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer to share weekly news and updates on what we’ve been up to on our blog, with our books, and book-related happenings. 

To Be Reading From My TBR

I’m pretty stoked with where I am with this month’s reading because I’m almost done with every single book from my TBR Intentions for August! I’ve never gotten every single one before (almost), but to be fair, this month’s list was short and also subject to change – the goal was to finish the prompts I had left (for the 52 Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge) rather than specific books, so I could switch titles if I wanted.

Still, I’ve only got one book left to go and it also means I’m almost done with the challenge! And then on to the next! 😅

Currently Watching:
Our current binge is Why Women Kill. We started it a couple of weeks ago but took a break when we started Those About To Die. We came back to it right after and just finished Season 1 earlier this week and are in the middle of Season 2 right now. I’m sad that the show was canceled but at least each season is a standalone so you’re not left hanging.

Can I just say that Lana Parilla is gorgeous? I loved her as the Evil Queen in Once Upon A Time, and somehow you just can’t help rooting for her even though she’s the villain. She’s totally my “I can fix her” crush!

All the happy things:

  1. The aforementioned fact that I’ve been reading from my TBR and doing a great job of it!
  2. It’s been cooler this week which is nice after all the heat.
  3. I made tom yum coconut curry soup! I know it sounds weird but it works and actually tastes really good!
  4. I started coloring for fun again! It looks ugly but I’m enjoying it and that’s all that matters.

The Books

Books I read last week:

  1. The Women by Kristin Hannah – It was so good and heartwrenching at the same time. At one point, I was so anxious about how it was going to end because things kept getting worse and I couldn’t see a way out of it. It really affected me on a personal level because of how relatable it was.
  2. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood – I had no idea what to expect when I went into this, I never read the description! All I know is that it’s a Booker Prize nominee (because I chose it to fit the prompt) and that a lot of people really liked it. After finishing it, all I can say is wow, Atwood really has a knack for writing dystopian worlds. It’s incredible, and I’ll definitely be reading the next books in the series.
  3. Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer – This book was not on my radar at all but I needed a book for the debut in the second half of 2024 prompt, and it sounded good, so why not. It wasn’t bad, I really love that it wasn’t afraid to talk about breast cancer risks, mastectomies, breast reconstructions, and all the TMI things related to it. The writing itself was okay; I like the story but I think it got a little long at parts. Still a good read!

Books I’m reading:

  1. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky – I’m about 9 hours in on a 16-hour audiobook. I’ve been hearing great things about Tchaikovsky as an author and this is the first book I’m reading from him. I did read the description for this book but it doesn’t exactly tell you what to expect! I love that it’s so different from my own expectations.
  2. If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio – I’m only about 8% in so there’s a long way to go. I’ve heard good things though, and I’m hoping they’re all true!

Last Week on The Blog

I only did a couple of book reviews:

This Week

I have one book left to finish the 52 Book Club 2024 Reading Challenge, and then I’ll move on to focus on the other challenges.

How was your week? I hope you had a great week last week, and I hope you have a great one again this week!

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22 responses to “Sunday Post | Is This How It Feels

    • I’m so glad to hear that! I’m going to finish up some more books from my TBR and for my challenges, and then I’ll get back to the Maddaddam series.

  1. I’m glad you had such a great week! The tom yum coconut curry soup sounds really good. Congrats on only having one book left if your TBR and being almost done with your challenge. That’s so exciting! 😀

    I’m so looking forward to cooler weather. I love the sunlight, but I feel like summer heat is so oppressive. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    • The tom yum coconut curry is so decadent and I love it, but it ran out way too soon! I get what you mean about the summer heat. I complain a lot about the cold in winter, but ultimately, I think I still prefer being able to wear more clothes and warm up in the winter than sweltering in the summer heat.

    • I get distracted a lot too, there are too many good books! I think it only worked this time because I could switch out the books as long as they fit the prompts. 😂 I hope you enjoy Oryx and Crake if you try it again!

  2. Yeah Oryx and Crake is quite good — I read that with my book club once but I haven’t gone on yet to read the others. I’m looking forward to The Women which was on my summer list. I will see if it gets personal!

  3. Great job on your challenge! It’s great that you’re doing so much reading from your TBR list. And coloring is a lot of fun. I should get back to it; I have a couple of adult coloring books I haven’t picked up in several years. Your soup sounds delicious, too. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    • My coloring is still really ugly and it makes me not want to color in the books but I know I have to start somewhere. I hope you get to enjoy your coloring books soon!

  4. Yay for being so close to completing your TBR Intentions for August! And so early in the month still! I’ve been thinking about getting back into coloring again too. It’s so relaxing. I really want to read both The Women and Oryx and Crake. I’ve enjoyed a couple other books by Atwood and keep meaning to read more by her. I’ve heard good things about Adrian Tchaikovsky’s books, especially Children of Time. I hope you have a great week!

    • Thank you! I’ve loved a couple of other Atwood books too. Cat’s Eye may be my favorite but it’s been a while and I think I need a reread soon. I hope you enjoy Oryx and Crake, and The Women when you get to them!

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